The Society of Ex-Budhanilkantha Students in North America (SEBS-NA) and Tri-State Nepali Community are organizing a half-day career workshop on March 24, 2007 in Philadelphia, PA. All visitors to this forum are invited.
The broad goal of this workshop is to help individuals with their career search. The workshop will start with a brief presentation from a group of panelists representing various fields and experience levels. Topics will include preparing resumes and cover letters, preparing for a successful interview, and exploring networks. Since many of the panelists have gone through an extensive job search process themselves, we hope that many general questions that attendees are likely to have will be answered during the presentation. Even so, the panelist presentation will be followed by a short Q & A session to address questions from the attendees. The program will conclude with a “minglingâ€, where attendees can talk to the panelists and other participants and exchange contacts.
While the primary target for this event are current students and recent graduates, topics related to switching careers and visa issues will also be discussed so that mid-career professionals can also benefit from this event.
The list of panelists is yet to be finalized. So far, we have panelists representing the following areas of expertise:
a. Pharmaceutical
b. Banking
c. Marketing/Sales
d. Research (economic, medical)
e. Information technology
A list of panelists with a brief introduction for each panelist will be posted shortly. Please check this notice in a few days for an update. The venue (including direction from major locations in Philadelphia) and the time will also be posted soon (we are reserving a room in one of the universities in Phiadelphia).
Meanwhile, please email either Suman Timsina at or Yubraj Acharya at with any questions/suggestions you might have and to RSVP. The deadline for RSVP is March 20, 2007.